Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 2......Experiences and Gifts

1 Samuel 16:8-13  A common theme that has been pointed out to me more than once in studies and even sermons is that Jesus surrounded himself with those that were looked upon as less, and God seemed to pick the most random people to do such incrediable things.  However, when you look at those individuals and their "success", their past experiences are part of what made them shine.  Life's ups and downs may seem random, fate like, karma or any other word you would like to use, but when you boil it down to the nitty gritty.....they are God giving us the tools, the gifts we need to serve and praise Him. 

Psalm 78-70-72 "He chose David his servant and took him from the sheep pens; from tending the sheep he brought him to be the shepherd of his people Jacob, of Israel his inheritance.  And David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them."  Samuel could not believe that God was bringing before him a young shepherd boy.  But who better to lead the people of Israel than a shepherd with God in his heart? 

It wasn't until recently, probably the last year or two that I came to that realization.  That what I may have perceived as bad experiences, tough experiences, were really just God sharpening the tools He gave me.  Highlighting the gifts He knew I would need to do His work.  I can see it more clearly now, that's what getting older does to you, lol, another benefit to go with the gray hair.  Beth asks towards the end, "How has God been working all of your life to prepare you for kingdom service?  What experiences, lessons, talents, or even hurts do you need to present to Him for His use?"  To be honest, man ole man, I'm a little scared to what my kingdom service might be, hahaha.  He's molded me into one tough cookie, so it must be something difficult I have to look forward to.  But my Lord has given me everything I will need for whatever is ahead including, endurance, determination, love, kindness, leadership, humility, trust, faith, and a strong desire to serve. 

It has been a long time coming to accept my quirks, my traits as God's gifts.  The life experiences we have are not experiences but God.  God molding and sharpening our blessings.  I'll never be perfect in my eyes, or for that fact anyone's eyes, but through Jesus I am perfect to my Lord and King...just the way He wants me.... so was David, and so are you. 


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