Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 6- God's perfect timing

Galatians 4: 3-7
My boy friend told me that before he met me, he prayed for God to send someone into his life that he could have a relationship with, common values-a life companion. A short time later he and I were standing in the middle of the tile store picking out tile for his Daughters bathroom. By the time that day was done, we both felt like we had been on a date. We talked nonstop, had the same views, and havn't stopped since. That was 3 years ago. I've found my life companion in him, the love of my life and and it didn't happen by my hand- I wasn't even looking, didn't even consider him as someone to date when we started working together on his daughters bathroom remodel. Totally God's hand and his perfect timing. God knows, even when WE don't see what is right in front of us. That was one time when his perfect timing caught me off guard, one of those "what just happened here?" moments.
There have been other times when I just knew His hand was in the plan. In my career, God has put me in the right place at the right time so often. I've said so many times, "God opens the doors, I just walk through them."
I have to wonder if Mary knew there was a reason she was called to make  a trip to Bethlehem, right at the time she was to have her baby.
Today, I pray that I will be more conscience of the hand of God in the chain of events that happen to me. Lord, let me have patience that comes through faith and knowing you.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 5- A time to celebrate

Luke2: 1-7

Why do we celebrate Christmas on December 25? Beth pointed out that if the conception of the Christ Child had been on the 14th day of the first month by the Jewish calendar (called the day of conception) he would have been born around December 25th. Perfect timing....... God's timing-why would it be any different?
I love the celebration of Christmas. Starting with the Hanging of the Greens service in church, family gatherings, doing holiday activities, special foods, it's one of my favorite times of the year. Alot of people complain about the commercialism of it, that it starts earlier and earlier each year.  It's a time of stress for some people in my life- from worrying about money and pleasing hard to buy for people with gifts, to what to have for Christmas dinner and what time to have it. Anything can be reason to set them off on a stress rant. Of course that is not what it's about. I try hard to focus on the reason, celebrations and activities I love, and traditions with my girls.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 3 & 4

Luke 1: 39-44 This morning scripture talks about Mary getting the news that Elizabeth was expecting and her trip to see her. So often I see where God puts people in my path who I can share my situation with. Perhaps he does this so I will not feel so alone- sometimes I think it backfires and it ends up distracting me from my own problems and getting caught up in theirs. Then again, maybe that is the whole reason- to let me know I'm not the only one that faces hardship. I believe the people in your path as never put there by chance- reason, season, lifetime, there is a reason for everyone of them.

I wonder if Mary realized the significance of the Baby she was carrying when Elizabeth commented that her baby jumped for joy at the sound of Mary's voice. Beth states that it set Mary free to rejoice in the fact that she was carrying the Christ child.

Why is it that so many times we need others permission and acceptance before we will give ourselves permission to be happy ourselves? I think women are especially like that. We care too much about what others think rather than just working to please our Lord.

Day 4   Luke 1: 46-55
Everyday, I am  in awe of the fact that God chooses me to do His work and blesses others through plain old me. I live in a beautiful place and sometimes I just go sit on the edge of a cliff and stare at all the beauty He created. Looking at all that I feel pretty small and insignificant. To think that He created all that, yet he still finds time to check in on me- amazing! Beth talks about how Mary rejoiced in it- I need to rejoice in things like that more. The other day in church, the pastor asked the congregation to raise their hands if they knew they brought Joy to someones life- hardly anyone raised their hand! I raised mine right away- my kids and Chris never fail to let me know they love me and enjoy me in their life. I hope I make others feel that way!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 2......Experiences and Gifts

1 Samuel 16:8-13  A common theme that has been pointed out to me more than once in studies and even sermons is that Jesus surrounded himself with those that were looked upon as less, and God seemed to pick the most random people to do such incrediable things.  However, when you look at those individuals and their "success", their past experiences are part of what made them shine.  Life's ups and downs may seem random, fate like, karma or any other word you would like to use, but when you boil it down to the nitty gritty.....they are God giving us the tools, the gifts we need to serve and praise Him. 

Psalm 78-70-72 "He chose David his servant and took him from the sheep pens; from tending the sheep he brought him to be the shepherd of his people Jacob, of Israel his inheritance.  And David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them."  Samuel could not believe that God was bringing before him a young shepherd boy.  But who better to lead the people of Israel than a shepherd with God in his heart? 

It wasn't until recently, probably the last year or two that I came to that realization.  That what I may have perceived as bad experiences, tough experiences, were really just God sharpening the tools He gave me.  Highlighting the gifts He knew I would need to do His work.  I can see it more clearly now, that's what getting older does to you, lol, another benefit to go with the gray hair.  Beth asks towards the end, "How has God been working all of your life to prepare you for kingdom service?  What experiences, lessons, talents, or even hurts do you need to present to Him for His use?"  To be honest, man ole man, I'm a little scared to what my kingdom service might be, hahaha.  He's molded me into one tough cookie, so it must be something difficult I have to look forward to.  But my Lord has given me everything I will need for whatever is ahead including, endurance, determination, love, kindness, leadership, humility, trust, faith, and a strong desire to serve. 

It has been a long time coming to accept my quirks, my traits as God's gifts.  The life experiences we have are not experiences but God.  God molding and sharpening our blessings.  I'll never be perfect in my eyes, or for that fact anyone's eyes, but through Jesus I am perfect to my Lord and King...just the way He wants me.... so was David, and so are you. 


Day 2

Todays scripture was Luke 1: 34-38

Beth talked about how Mary must have felt when she got the news she was to give birth to the Christ child. "How can this be?"
I would have had more questions than that! More like "Why me?"
Faith, trust, total commission- all things that don't come without a struggle for me.
I have to wonder if Mary looked at the news as a good thing, or if she was scared, ashamed of what others would think? Did she not worry about that, knowing that she was in favor with God and nothing else mattered? That's walking the walk in my opinion. Here's an excerpt from a note I saved once:


Advice to live by but I still struggle with this daily. Beth mentions that in essence Mary was saying, "Lord, I am your handmaid. Whatever you want, I want." That my friends, is total submission.

There have been times in my life when I've felt the Lord was with me and you don't forget them. Last year, worried about my finances, I was praying for Him to provide for me and my family. I know He will give me what I need I still have a hard time just turning the details over to Him. Right in the middle of my prayer that day, I heard His voice, clear as day...... "Your kids are healthy and fine."  That wasn't what was on my mind at all, but that was what He wanted me to hear. Stop and smell the roses and be thankful for what you have Debra.
God's will....... still playing out daily in my life. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 1.....A look at the heart

Oh sheesh...what have I gotten myself into.  Not that life isn't hectic enough with work, school, kids, ex's and all that other stuff....yep, let's through another 90 study AND blog into the mix.  I gotta say after this kickin day I just want to go to sleep, turn in and start anew tomorrow.  But alas, I committed and I do feel deep in my heart that when you wanna slack, those are the times you gotta push through. 

The scripture for this first day was 1 Samuel 16:1-7.  Sanuel doens't come across as an easy going type of fellow, especially since he has the nerve to argue with God.  Really dude??  If anyone should know better, it should be him.  I love how Beth points out that David was the "little" brother and even though we all may not be brothers or the youngest, we have all felt that feeling.  That feeling of not being good enough, of being invisable, not wanted.  No matter how confident we may look to others on the outside, that "little" brother is somewhere on the inside. 

Beth asks "Who are the "older brothers" you compare yourself to?  Who or what have you allowed to intimidate you into believing that you're less than you really are, incapable of achieving much of any real value in God's kingdon?"  Get deep girl, right on the first day, lol, gotta love Beth.  The older brothers I compare myself to.....everyone, everyone around me.  I feel that need to keep striving and pushing myself further and further because I could be a better mother, student, employee, friend, girlfriend, person.....better everything cause I'm soooooo far......sooo far from being perfect.  No, I don't believe I or anyone can be perfect, but I do believe I should be better. 

The second part of that question is simple.....the person I have allowed to intimidate myself.  I am my worse critic.  Self doubt is what keeps me from achieving the work in my Lord's kingdom.  Blame it on those voices from years ago, but they still whisper way back in my mind.  And I'm the one that listens. 

God taught an important lesson to Samuel, "Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart" verse 7.  How can I not look away from the fact that my heart is trampled, broken, scarred...emotionally and yes physically.  Scars from cuts and wounds...from a surgeons scaple and from betrayal.  But even that is not the heart of which He speaks.  God looks even further inward, pass the tissue and muscle.....pass the experiences that cause heartache.....all the way to the inner soul.  THAT is where He sees us, our strength and our beauty. 

David was the youngest....scrawny, red faced and ewwww smelling of sheep.  Not exactly what Samuel saw as king material.  Yet the Lord said he was.  God saw something in that young boys heart that was more powerful and amazing than all those around him.  Looking from the outside David was the littlest brother......but from the inside, he was a king.  Ha.....would have LOVED to have seen the faces on his bigger, older brothers, lol.


Day 1- How can this be?

God must have known I needed a jump start yesterday to get this study started. I went to church for the first time in a few months-I smiled when I saw the title of the sermon......... "Got Jesus?"
Amazing how He always gives me what I need if I will just listen.

The scripture was Luke 1: 26-33
Gabriel must have loved that mission given to him- can you imagine the look on Mary's face when she got that news? "Greetings, you who are highly favored!" I'm sure she didn't feel highly favored at first- quite the opposite.... more like, why me? With the downturn of the economy I've been asking that alot lately. The home building and real estate sales are terrible in our area, causing a downturn in my business. I've had to change the way I do work with clients and it seems like I work twice as hard for half as much. I've had to move out of my office and come home to an office in Franklin. My financial stress has been unbelievable and while I know God will take care of me, give me what I need, I just wonder what other changes have to happen in my life.
 When I came to the realization I had to move out of my office, that morning I prayed "Give me a clean well lit space where I can still work and have my samples". 6 hours later I was standing in the middle of a big, clean room where I could not only have my samples and a desk, but a place where my Mother and I could set up a manufacturing space to grow our therapy bags and pillow business, which was what I really wanted to do. Better yet, it was one mile from my house. My previous 2 hour commute can now be spent organizing and  keeping up with house work better and spending more time with my family and Chris- things that make me feel centered and happy-that's a true blessing. 

Hind site being 20/20, I can look back and see His hand at work-I want to learn to trust more in Gods path for me and to go to, and lean on Jesus more for what I need. So many times I try to take charge, micro manage, only to mess things up- got to work on that.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I'm jumping in!

I've gone through many stages in my Christian walk. In the Northern part of the country where I was raised, there wasn't much emphasis put on having a relationship with God. It wasn't until I moved to the Bible belt that I became involved with a church and being aware of the presence of God in my life.

When my girls were younger, I was involved with their church activities, even led a youth group as they became teens. I loved my youth kids and learned along with them but never felt like I had the spiritual qualifications and training to do the job right. I felt like a teacher who never got certified!

I've been at the same small church for 18 years, love my "church family", but never felt comfortable in the Young Adults Sunday school group and bible studies- In one group I was much younger than all the other members and in the one where couples my age went, I , 1) wasn't a couple, and 2) worried the teacher would make an example of my lack of training.

In the last several years I've been through some major life changes, difficulties and negative people that have taken my heart out of being in church. I pray daily, still feel the presence of God and His grace- but have become uninvolved with the activities I used to love. I know that is Satan at work - always right there looking over our shoulder, trying to turn us away from God.

I want to do a Bible study but need some help and support getting back on track. I'm excited to start this study and pray the next 90 days will be the start of getting that piece of my heart back!

On your mark.....get ready......

Ha!  You were waiting for the "Go" weren't ya?  That's tomorrow.  Deb and I are still working out the logistics of a dual blog.  Not sure about her, but I am definetely NOT a techie.  We both have our 90 day studies and bibles ready, and will start tomorrow. 

When the idea hit me last year to do this, a 90 Day study/challenge what ever you want to call it, it was at a time of change for me.  Significant boulders were being tossed my way and at times I wasn't sure if I could duck all of them.  I've been reading through some of the post from last year and I find it comforting to see my Lord at work through me.  There are times I feel my life is so busy and hectic that I'm not giving Him His far share of me.  Then I realize that even the smallest choices made each day will do one of two things, glorify Him or not, that simple.  I want my Jesus to shine through me for others to see. 

This year my study is about David.  THIS is going to be "fun".  A young man that stood above the crowd defeating a giant, whose father looked down on, who rose to power with God's blessing and fell hard and fast from human wants and desires, yet praised and worshiped his Lord like no one else.  As I sit looking out my kitchen window I see the dark clouds fly by, with the beautiful baby blue sky peeking through them.  The clouds will be gone soon, but the magnificant sky will stay.  Just as our desires, wants and sins may darken us, the grace and love of our God will always be in the background, steady and waiting to shine through. 

Ladies and gents......let's get ready for another journey :-)